Saturday, December 1, 2012

Amazing Bahamian talent not being utilized

Amazing Bahamian talent not being utilized

Sir Durward Knowles, Cecil Cooke, Thomas A. Robinson, Elijah Obed, Michael “Sweet bells” Thompson, The T-Connection, Shonell Ferguson, Pauline Davis-Thompson, Dexter Cambridge, Rick Fox, Frank Rutherford, Sir Lynden Pindling, Mark Knowles, The Golden Girls, Devard Darling, Tonique Wiliams-Darling, The Golden Knights, Andre Rodgers, Sir Randal Fawkes, Sir Milo Butler, Sir Sidney Poitier, Myron Rolle, Dr. Keva Bethel, Troy Kemp, Bradley Roberts, Ian Lockhart, Dr. Cynthia Pratt, Bahamen, Joseph Spence, Percy “Vola” Frances, Paul Adderley, Loftus Roker, Antonius Roberts, Visage, Cleophas Adderley and the Bahamas National Youth Choir, Johnny Kemp, John “Chippie” Chipman, Bishop Neil Ellis, Bishop Drexel Gomez and Dr. Myles Munroe all have one thing in common.

They are all great Bahamians who have made an indelible mark not only in the Bahamas, but on the world stage in several different disciplines. Most of them continue to do so. For the ones who have passed, the country has lost great warriors whose contributions have been forgotten.

This is only a minute list of the great Bahamians that have put us on the map. In the Bahamas, we have what the Americans call “Star Power”. So when will we as a people reach out to our heroes and invite them to do what they do best? What in God’s name are we waiting for? We can’t afford to lose another giant like Paul L. Adderley and not have his story well preserved for the history books.  We can’t allow our heroes to falter by the wayside.

We certainly have the expertise resident in our citizens to make our country better. Tapping into the expertise of our very own heroes should go beyond personality conflicts. Shouldn’t this all be about nation building?

Dehavilland Moss


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