Saturday, December 1, 2012

Politics has country divided

Politics has country divided

I am compelled to submit this letter to you for publication. Just recently I attended a church fair and then in my travels I stumbled onto a food fair that was being hosted by a political party. As I was still hungry and my taste buds were in desperate need for some nice Bahamian conch fritters I proceeded to enter. Several of the persons with me said that they were going to remain on the outside. I asked them why and was flabbergasted by their answer. They said that this was a Free National Movement (FNM) event and that they did not feel comfortable in that setting. This was an informal event in a public setting.

It occurred to me that politics to a great extent still has us divided as a country and it is literally stopping us from mingling with each other. Mind you, these persons are well educated. Some of them have Bachelor’s Degrees, Associate’s Degrees, certifications and hold mid management positions in the country. And for them to have this mindset, it became abundantly clear to me the deep rooted psychological affect that politics plays in keeping our country divided.

The general elections are over Bahamians. We must now wait until 2017 for another one. Can you imagine what we can accomplish together in 4½ years if we work together and help each other?

Maybe I am out of touch with reality in the Bahamas, but I will be damned if I let these divisive notions stop me from attending any political event especially when I am drooling for some good old fashioned Bahamian food. Maybe people feel that they will be victimized or castigated. I don’t know all the answers.

During the election season, I attended major rallies of all political parties. I wanted to hear firsthand what the candidates were saying and also gauge the pulse of the people. I don’t think this was an illegal or immoral act. I remember attending one event and while talking with some generals of a major political party, a lady came to me and asked me what I was doing at the rally. I told her I was a Bahamian and I did not need a pass or her approval to attend any political rally. Ok maybe I told her something not as pleasant.

My point is that the divisiveness that is derived from politics in the country needs to stop. There needs to be a cease fire immediately. Don’t Bahamians know that the same people who they see on stage talking bad about each other, at some point sit down at receptions and eat together with fork and knives while drinking expensive wine? They are civil and they cohabitate. They co-exist. Don’t get fooled by the Oscar winning acting scenes that you see on Television. These would make Sir Sidney Poitier proud.

I would encourage all Bahamians to please work together, despite your political affiliation for the betterment of our country. And if you feel afraid to be seen at another political party’s public function, maybe that should tell you something about the party that you support.

Dehavilland Moss

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